
Elima #1 – Poggioreale. Taller de Grabación de Campo organizado por Vacuamoenia

Publicado por el lunes, junio 23, 2014

28 and 29 June, VacuaMœnia offers an intensive workshop in order to provide useful information on the theories and practices that enable the entry level user, even less experienced, record and compose the soundscape. The workshop will take place in Poggioreale, a country rich in history, entirely destroyed by the earthquake of Belice in 1968 and later rebuilt in the valley. The theoretical sessions will be held in the council room of the municipality and the recording sessions in the old country. The works tell a new territory through the sound and give energy to the stories of those who lived through the earthquake and rebuilding of this new story. In this respect, of great importance will be the sponsor, the Municipality of Poggioreale and the help of the Poggioreale Antica association that will enable participants to know the place and collecting the stories for the creative process.

Etiquetas: "taller" "grabación de campo" "fonografía" "italia" 
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